速報APP / 遊戲 / Elf Avatar

Elf Avatar





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:5820 Sullivant Ave Ste 128 Galloway OH 43119

Elf Avatar(圖1)-速報App

Customize every detail of your elf, to make her Celtic, gothy, tribal, medieval, ethereal, or your own flavor! To make the eyes really pop, tweak three colors within the iris, and adjust the lighting on your image with a darkness filter. This game is perfect for everyone who enjoys character design, the fantasy genre, doll makers and dress up games.

Note that the old version for this app has been deleted. This new version does not require Adobe Air, and has a Save button.

For more detailed dress up games, try other apps by AzaleasDolls or visit azaleasdolls.com.

List of features:

Panel 1:

Skin tone, ear shape, nose, blush, tears

Lips, lipstick

Eye shape, eye color with 3 palettes


Markings to color and arrange in many ways

Panel 2:

Elf Avatar(圖2)-速報App

Hairstyle, with color palette and intricate layering

Panel 3:

Elvish tiaras, which can layer above the hair, or under hair strands


Miscellaneous jewelry

Flowers and leaves

Panel 4:

Clothes (with 2 color palettes)

Panel 5:

Background colors

Background elements (ex snow) and 2 styles of darkness filters

Elf Avatar(圖3)-速報App

Reset, Save, credits